Associated partners

The VDKC (Verband Deutscher Konzertchöre) is a non-profit association of performance-oriented choirs. It has set itself the mission of cultivating valuable choral music of all epochs, genres and styles in performances of an artistically high standard. This includes its own events as well as advising member choirs in artistic, organizational and economic matters or issuing publications.

Founded in 1919, 25 adult and 6 children’s and youth choirs belong to the FSLB (Fürstlich Liechtensteinischer Sängerbund). The purpose of the FLSB is the joint cultivation of choral singing as well as the consultation and promotion of the associations in all areas of choral singing. In recent times, the FLSB has also taken on the role of observing the development of choral singing in the region and beyond in Europe and of facilitating international contacts for its member associations.