
This project has the following objectives:

  1. Identification of the state-of-the-art of online choir rehearsals: The COVID-19 pandemic created a need and opportunity for choirs to experiment with online rehearsals. In the aftermath of the pandemic, it is time to analyse and consolidate the current state of online choirs rehearsals, which includes the identification of opportunities and challenges as well as the collection of best practices. In line with the mentioned barriers and dimensions, this project seeks to identify the state-of-the-art from a technological, choir-pedagogical, and socio-technical perspective.
  2. Design of technology solutions and principles for carrying out online choir rehearsals: Given the findings from the state-of-the-art analysis, the project aims to come up with guidelines for online choir rehearsals in terms of technology setups, choir pedagogy, and technology acceptance and interaction. Those guidelines will consider the needs of different choirs and be customisable for different requirement profiles of choirs interested in carrying out online rehearsals.
  3. Application and evaluation of the designed technology solutions and principles for carrying out online choir rehearsals: This project will initiate an online laboratory choir in order to test, gain feedback on, and improve the developed guidelines in at least 25 online rehearsals.
  4. Communication and dissemination of the results of the project: This project will share project updates with relevant target audiences (e.g. choral conductors, choir managers) via a number of different communication channels, demonstrate the results at two information events incl. online concerts, and create dissemination materials so as to enable others to conduct online rehearsals.